Manifesting: How Does it Really Work?

When I was in my 20’s I read the book, “The Secret” and remember thinking to myself, doesn’t that all sound great. I can just wish something into existence and it will happen and I can have anything I want.

Well, it doesn’t actually work that way. Big surprise.

Manifesting is an amazing process once you understand how it works and practice it reguarly. Over the years, I believe I have manifested my amazing wife, a beautiful home, a great job, awesome clients, an incredibly helpful neighbor, just to name a few things.

In order to get something you want, you first have to know what you want, AND it’s essential to believe that you can actually have what you are envisioning. This may sound simple, but if you can’t identify something specifically, it’s really hard to connect with it.

One of the most challenging parts of the process is letting go of the how or when the thing you desire will occur. Things don’t just magically appear, but circumstances do present themselves in ways that allow what you want to happen more quickly, if you’re paying attention.

It’s those serendipitous moments or “lucky breaks” that some people seem to have and others don’t.

Your attitude is essential. Focussing on the positive aspects of your life and feeling good in general connects you to more good.

If you specifically identify what you want and practice feeling the emotions you would experience if what you wanted had already occurred, you change the energy within your body.

There’s a lot of research on quantum physics and the idea that there are multiple possible realities that exist simultaneously. I know, this sounds a little bit “out there” for many people but if you think about what you could be, do or have in the future and then allowed yourself to feel the emotions that would occur if you were, did or had whatever you were imagining, you actually bring yourself closer to that future.

You do need to take steps to move toward this future as well, but it seems that there are far fewer steps needed when we’re able to let to go of how or when our desired outcome will happen and simply keep moving forward with our vision, positive attitude and good feelings about our lives.

In summary, manifesting includes the following steps:

  1. Specifically identify what you want.

  2. Believe that you can have or do what you are envisioning.

  3. Regularly imagine how you will feel when your desired outcome occurs.

  4. Take steps to move toward your vision and let go of the how or when it will occur.

  5. Focus on the positive aspects of your life daily and pay attention to circumstances that may arise to help you move toward what you desire.

There is nothing that is right or wrong to focus on manifesting. It only matters that it’s important to you.

If you want something badly enough and take steps to move forward each day believing that you can accomplish it, chances are pretty high that you’ll make it happen.

Action Steps:

  • Play with the process by starting with a small vision of something you want to change in your life. It can be anything at all. You just have to believe that it’s possible for you.

    For example, maybe you live with a lot of stress and want to feel some relief in you day.

  • Now imagine what your life would be like if you had less stress and more relief. Feel this in your body as though it has already happened and appreciate that feeling.

  • Do your best to focus on the positive aspects of your life and continue to imagine more relief and less stress as you go through your day.

  • As you catch yourself talking about the problems that are creating stress for you, try to focus on possible solutions. If solutions are not possible, do your best to move toward any feeling or action that makes you feel a little bit better.

  • Notice what happens over time when you continue with this practice.


What Would Love Do?