It is our mission to empower women to live more authentic, active, and fulfilling lives.

Wendy McGannon, Ed.D., CPT

Wendy started her personal training business in 2008 after spending years working at stressful desk-based jobs. During those years she lived with chronic neck, shoulder and back pain caused by poor postural habits, lack of proper muscle strength and limited body awareness.

Despite regular body work provided by massage, physical therapy, acupuncture, and chiropractic care, pain relief was always temporary.

By learning how to properly strengthen and stretch dysfunctional muscles and becoming more aware of her body, she was able to eliminate the pain in her body, stop creating new pain, and no longer needs any body work services.

This website was inspired by the hundreds of middle-aged women Wendy has helped to age better through her work as a trainer. These women are currently in their 50’s, 60’s, 70’s & 80’s and are increasing their balance, strength, flexibility and cardiovascular health every week. They know how to eat healthier, stress less, sleep better and enjoy their lives!



  • Personal Trainer, ACE (2008 - present)

  • Nutrition Coach, PN (2010 - 2015)

  • Functional Movement Assessments, FMS (2013 - 2015)

  • Running Instructor, Chi Running (2017 - 2020)

  • Foam Rolling Techniques, Exercise Etc. (2019)

  • TRX, Exercise Etc. (2020)

  • Plant Based Sports Nutrition, Exercise Etc.(2022)


Carey Dimmitt, Ph.D.

Carey is a Professor and the Program Coordinator for the School Counseling Program at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She created and has taught for many years a top-rated course at UMass specifically focused on teaching young adults how to make better choices related to their work lives, relationships, mindfulness and authenticity.

In 2017, post-menopause, Carey had gained over 40 pounds and was diagnosed as prediabetic. She decided to meet with a naturopath and was further diagnosed with candida.

Over the next 6 months, Carey committed herself to a strict candida-free diet, got herself back on track with a regular exercise program, and lost 45 pounds safely and healthily!

Since then, Carey has maintained a healthy diet and exercise routine. She is not perfect (no one is…) and she works daily to maintain balance in her life.

She is an avid reader of all things related to nutrition, fitness, mindfulness, and overall health.  As a result, she has a wealth of knowledge and expertise in many of these areas.