Change Your Life One Minute at a Time

I recently had dinner with a friend I hadn’t seen in awhile and we caught up on all of the changes she had been going through while ending a marriage, starting a new job, adjusting to a surgery, etc.

She was engaging in many activities to improve the quality of her life (e.g. exercising, therapy, etc.) and I asked her if she had ever tried meditation.

She pretty quickly said that she knows it’s something that would probably help her but she’s never done it and wasn’t sure if it was right for her.

After a little bit more talking, she agreed to start her practice with one minute of meditation every morning while her coffee was “brewing” in her french press.

Meditation how so many benefits, yet most of us resist it. It’s not always easy, but every minute trying adds up to larger changes!

Here’s how to meditate for one minute per day:

  • While waiting for something you do every morning, sit quietly and breathe in for four seconds and then breathe out for four seconds while focussing on your breath.

  • Repeat this process 8 times (64 seconds).

  • Notice how you feel when you’re done, then move on with your day.

Some of the Benefits of Meditation include:

  1. Reduced stress and anxiety

  2. Improved focus and concentration

  3. Enhanced self-awareness

  4. Better sleep

  5. Lower blood pressure

  6. Increased immune system

Most of us know it’s helpful, yet we still resist it. Why do you suppose that is??

Action Step:

  • Consider starting your own one minute meditation practice today.

  • Combine it with a habit you already have and see how your life starts to change as a result.

Yes, eventually the idea is that you will begin to meditate for longer periods of time but it’s very important that you put NO PRESSURE on yourself to do any longer than one minute while you establish this practice.

It’s sounds silly but big changes really do happen when you commit to the tiny habits!


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