Strengthen Inner & Outer Thighs

These are physical therapy exercises given to one of my clients who had a minor meniscus tear. She completed 10 - 15 repetitions every day for several weeks and was able to avoid surgery on her knee. It should also be noted that this client was in her 80’s when this happened.

I have most of my personal training clients complete these exercises to strengthen their inner and outer thighs while also working the hip and glutes so they are preventatively working to avoid a meniscus tear.

You also need to strengthen your quads (front on your leg) and your hamstrings (back top of your leg) but many people work these muscles more regularly while neglecting the adductors (inner thigh) and abductors (outer thigh).

Bands are a great training tool as we age because they allow us to strengthen muscles while protecting our joints. If you feel discomfort in your joint (knee) during the exercise, you have too much resistance and need to move your chair closer to the band attachment point.

Doing these exercises from a seated position (versus standing) allows you to really focus on the movements without having to try to balance as well. This helps to keep your knee caps tracking in the same directions as your toes.

It’s also very important to ensure that your core muscles are helping to stabilize both your trunk and the non-banded leg. Keep checking your posture as you move and try to relax your shoulders.

Your non-banded leg is very much working to provide additional stability and should remain in line with your hip while your banded leg moves in and out.

You should not feel any pain in either knee while completing these exercises and if you have a current tear in your meniscus, please consult with your doctor before starting any exercise program.

If you find the videos helpful, please subscribe to my YouTube channel.


Low & High Plank Variations to Strengthen Core in 60 Seconds
