How Important is Stretching After Walking?

Many of us understand the importance of walking regularly to improve our health but few realize the significance of stretching once we’re done with our walk.

When we use our muscles for any activity, we are contracting them. That means we are literally shortening them, which creates the tightness we feel in our muscles.

If we don’t stretch, the muscles stay in this tight, shortened position and over time, many of will end up suffering from some sort of discomfort, cramping or pain in your body as a result.

We don’t always realize this cause and effect phenomenon because we walk all the time and usually don’t have any problems.

If you are walking for fitness however, meaning you’re deliberately taking a walk and moving continuously for 20 minutes of more, your body will benefit from stretching.

Stretching after a walk doesn’t need to take much time. If you stretch the major muscles used while walking (quads - front top of your legs, calves - back bottom of your legs, and hamstrings - top back of your leg) you’ll also end up with a great stretch for your low back in the process.

The video below shows you how to stretch in less than 2 minutes to release the tightness created by walking. If you’re unable to stretch your quads in a standing position, you can modify by lying down while doing the stretch.

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